Welcome to the Email Buzz Terms of Use!

This page explains you our obligations and what all you can expect from us. We keep on updating this page at frequent intervals, so it’s advisable that you keep on tracking it. Our team ensures that we make users aware of all such changes through newsletters or emails.

The instant you use our website indicates to us that you accept our website’s Terms of Use, so please read this attentively. You also accept that in case any dispute between Email Buzz and a second party arises, both parties will try to agree on how we can proceed to solve this matter. 

There are a few things that you should keep in mind, while you are using this website.

Terms of Use

While using, browsing, or accessing this website, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use that are stated in the subsequent sections. Do not access this website, if you don’t agree with it. 

Ownership of Content and Website

The website is owned and managed by Email Buzz, whose web address is  (www.emailbuzz.net). All the content on this website is reserved and protected by the copyright laws around the world. 

Use of This Website

A user can download, view, as well as print the contents on this site for only personal use. Any other use of content on this website without any written permission is prohibited unless it is stated in the Terms and Conditions.

The user does not have permission to modify any details on our website or reproduce the content in any way without prior written consent. You must retain all the copyright notices contained within the website’s content without any redistribution or reproduction of our content. 

All such notices must be stored in a prominent location on any copies made through our website.

Disclaimer of Warranty

We put so much effort into ensuring that all the information on this website is accurate. However, we can never guarantee the accuracy. Also, we frequently update our content from time to time, without any prior notice.

Some Important Details to Remember

  1. This website is only for entertainment purposes, and all the information that we have available here should be considered fictional. Also, the statistics we use are only estimates and cannot guarantee accuracy.
  2. All the information that is entered by you on this website is stored in our servers and can be shared if required by law. The user must be legal to access this website or have your guardian’s or parent’s permission if you are younger than 18 years. 
  3. You also agree to use this website at your own risk, and will never hold Email Buzz name accountable, if any issues occur while you are using, or browsing content on the website.
  4. Be Aware! Some content on the website is produced by independent contributors, who may or may not be licensed in their respective countries, states, or provinces. In fact, we make no warranty concerning the suitability of our content for your use in any particular environment.